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Thursday, 13 November 2014

Software Engineering IMPORTANT QUESTION

Software Engineering Must Read QUESTIONS


1.     What is software engineering?

2.     What is system design?

3.     What is a process frame work?

4.     What are generic framework activities?

5.     What is the role of SRS in requirement analysis?

6.     Define risk management?

7.     Write reason for failure of waterfall model?

8.     What is the objective of project planning?

9.     What is DFD?

10.                        What is prototype model?

11.                        What is UML?

12.                        What is estimation?

13.                        How many software testing are there .Explain black box, white box, unit, integration, system testing's?

14.                        Define software metrics and software measurement?

15.                        Explain SDLC with diagram?

16.                        Explain software reuse and reengineering?

17.                        What is SQA?


Five to Eight Marks Type Question

1.      What is system testing differentiating between black box and white box testing?

2.      What do you mean by SRS? Explain with functional and non functional requirement?

3.      What is software process model what are different paradigm of software process model available in software engineering. Explain waterfall mode.

4.      Which model is used to develop small application what are its advantages and disadvantages justify your answer.

5.      Explain testing process and testing criteria.

6.      Explain RMMM.

7.      What is software risk explain the different type of risk that occurs in software development?

8.       What is risk identification & risk projection?

9.      What is software reliability?

10.  What is software prototyping? Explain different types of prototyping available in software engineering?

11.            Explain object oriented software engineering.

12.            What do you mean by software design process? What are the steps used in software design principle and design concepts.

13.            What is the importance of process model in software engineering?  Explain any three commonly process model?

14.            Explain RAD? Advantages and Disadvantage.

15.            Explain BPR (business process reengineering)?

16.            What is the analysis stage of software engineering considered? What approaches can be taken to insure it is successful?

17.            Define IEEE?

18.            Explain in brief about all the process model and their advantages and disadvantages?

19.            What is software project planning .Explain project?

20.            Explain software project scheduling .what is the reason for late software delivery?

21.            Explain different element of Analysis modeling?







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