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Thursday 27 March 2014

Static keyword

The static keyword can be used to declare variables, functions, class data members and class functions.


By default, an object or variable that is defined outside all blocks has static duration and external linkage. Static duration means that the object or variable is allocated when the program starts and is deallocated when the program ends. External linkage means that the name of the variable is visible from outside the file in which the variable is declared. Conversely, internal linkage means that the name is not visible outside the file in which the variable is declared.


The static keyword can be used in the following situations.

·         When you declare a variable or function at file scope (global and/or namespace scope), the static keyword specifies that the variable or function has internal linkage. When you declare a variable, the variable has static duration and the compiler initializes it to 0 unless you specify another value.

·         When you declare a variable in a function, the static keyword specifies that the variable retains its state between calls to that function.

·         When you declare a data member in a class declaration, the static keyword specifies that one copy of the member is shared by all instances of the class. A static data member must be defined at file scope. An integral data member that you declare as const static can have an initializer.

·         When you declare a member function in a class declaration, the static keyword specifies that the function is shared by all instances of the class. A static member function cannot access an instance member because the function does not have an implicit this pointer. To access an instance member, declare the function with a parameter that is an instance pointer or reference.

·         You cannot declare the members of a union as static. However, a globally declared anonymous union must be explicitly declared static.




- input output stream header file



<iostream.h>- input output stream header file 

Provides functionality to use an abstraction called streams specially designed to perform input and output operations on sequences of character, like files or strings. 
Objects cin, cout are from iostream header. 
<conio.h> console input output header file 
conio.h is a C header file used in old MS-DOS compilers to create text user interfaces 

Both are header files which contains libery of serveral functions (use for input & output ). 
eg. clearscr() ,getch() are from conio.h 
This is type of opening files before we use these function. 
If we use these function them without importing header files , sometimes compiler throws error



Including this header may automatically include other headers, such as <ios><streambuf><istream>, <ostream>and/or <iosfwd>.

Note that the 
iostream class is mainly declared in header <istream>.



Narrow characters (char)

Standard input stream (object )


Standard output stream (object )


Standard output stream for errors (object )


Standard output stream for logging (object )


Wide characters (wchar_t)


Standard input stream (wide) (object )


Standard output stream (wide) (object )


Standard output stream for errors (wide-oriented) (object )


Standard output stream for logging (wide) (object )




Wednesday 26 March 2014

Structure with array

struct stud
char name[20],mo[10],cou[10],age[3];

int a;
cout<<"Enter your name:-";
cout<<"Enter age:-";
cout<<"Enter your mobile no:-";
cout<<"Enter your course:-";

cout<<"Info of No."<<a<<"Student"<<endl;
cout<<"Mobile No.:"<<d[a].mo<<endl;

Thursday 20 March 2014

Passing Pointer to an Array

int a[5];
int *pt;
for ( int i=0;i!=5;i++)


Passing Pointer to an Array

int a[5];
int *pt;
for(int p=0;p<5;p++)
cout <<"Enter Value to be insterted in "<<p<<" Index:";

cout<<"Value at O Index:"<<a[0]<<"\n";
cout<<"Value at 1 Index:"<<a[1]<<"\n";
cout<<"Value at 2 Index:"<<a[2]<<"\n";
cout<<"Value at 3 Index:"<<a[3]<<"\n";
cout<<"Value at 4 Index:"<<a[4]<<"\n";
//cout<<"Value at O Index:"<<a[5]<<"\n";

Swapping two number Using Pointer C++

int a,b,c;
int *i,*j;
cout<<"Enter integer:";
cout<<"Enter integer:";


Monday 17 March 2014

Factorial of any Number using Class & Object.

class factorial
 int count,n,fact;
 void fun()
  cout<<"Enter The No. :\n";
   fact = fact * count;
  cout<<"Factorial Value is :\n"<<fact<<endl;
 class factorial f1;

Saturday 8 March 2014

Alter with drop to remove a column

ALTER Oracle

Alter  This command is used to modify table.


here in oracle 

to update salary


update rkbsal set sal =30000,ename='HIJACK',eno=007;

Update command

UPDATE means to modify is used to change the content of data.


oracle to show as per condition ( with use of And )


error oracle

where k is a word to find name with and here like is a clause

Delete using where clause

Delete using 

create a table

delete all content of a table

Command to create a table

To delete a table from oracle use Using Drop Command


Oracle to show the table with table name rkbsal4 Here Rkbsal is table name

create a table where you select some record from existing table


Oracle How to Make other table with no data

oracle table create new using old fields data

Oracle use of * or all

Oracle Insert a Coloumn /Row

use of Order of command


use of Distinct with coloumn name or no.

arrange in decreasing order

command order by use in oracle

Wednesday 5 March 2014

Bca CPP Notes

c++ notes

Tuesday 4 March 2014

What is Different between subroutine and interrupt service routine..

Draw the structure of memory hierarchy with respect to cost, speed access time.

describe the organization of a typical RAM chips ..
What is virtual memory ? How it implement?

Describe the three data transfer modes (1) programmed I/o (2)
interrupt initiated i/o (3) DMA

Why does DMA have priority over the cpu when both request a memory transfer?

What do you mean by fault tolerance ?

What are MTTF and MTTR?

Why do we need DMA ? Draw the typical block diagram of a DMA
controller and explain how it is used for direct data transfer between
memory and peripherals???

Monday 3 March 2014

computer architecture & org

Give the features of ROM cell.
List the differrnce between statics Ram dynamic Ram.

What is translation look side buffer

Define memory access time , memory cycle time , data transfer rate..

Define cache memory..

Define memory latency and memory bandwidth.

What is ROM? Write about PRom ,eprom ,and eeprom....

computer architecture and organization

Describe von nuemann architecture in detail.

With a neat block diagram explain in detail about the basic block
diagram of computer architecture ?

With a neat block diagram explain the Accumulator based cpu.

What are micro program and micro instruction .

State the difference between hardwired control and micro program control.

Define control word(Cw) and control memory..

How do we measure the performance of a computer..

computer architecture & organization please submit as early

Define computer architecture and organization ? Discuss the stored
program concept.

What is bus? What are different buses in cpu?

write the general formats for the fixed point & floting numbers?

Define addressing mode. Explain the different types oc addressing mode
with suitable examples..

What are different computer register and their purposes?

Compare CISC V/s RISC?

How BCD addition and subtraction is done. Give example?

Find 1's and 2's compliment of (1011110101110)2

what is subroutine and subroutine call?

Write Notes on instruction formats?

What is instruction formats.

What is machine Language.

Write about assembly language programming with example ?
Write an assembly program to add two numbers..

Describe von nuemann architecture in detail.

With a neat block diagram explain in detail about the basic block
diagram of computer architecture ?

With a neat block diagram explain the Accumulator based cpu.

What are micro program and micro instruction .

State the difference between hardwired control and micro program control.

Define control word(Cw) and control memory..

How do we measure the performance of a computer..

Saturday 1 March 2014

oracle commands to see yearly salarly of a given database

oracle excercise

select ename , eno ,sal from emplrkb;


Oracle how to see only one or two coloumn of a database to see

select eno ,sal from emplrkb;

hiiiii bca raipur