No. RISC CISC 1 It is an acronym for Reduced Instruction Set Computer. It is a type of microprocessor
that has been designed to carry out few instructions at the same time. CISC stands for Complex Instruction Set Computer. It is actually a CPU which is capable of executing many operations through a single instruction. 2 Faster than CISC Slower than RISC chips when performing instructions 3 Pipelining can be implemented easily Pipelining implementation is not easy 4 Direct addition is not possible Direct addition between data in two memory locations. Ex.8085 5 Simple, single-cycle instructions that perform only basic Functions. Assembler instructions correspond to microcode instructions on CISC machine 6 RISC architecture is not widely used At least 75% of the processor use CISC architecture 7 RISC chips require fewer transistors and cheaper to produce. Finally, it's easier
to write powerful optimized compilers In common CISC chips are relatively slow (compared to RISC chips) per instruction, but use little (less than RISC) instructions. 8 RISC puts a greater burden on the software. Software developers need to write more
lines for the same tasks In CISC, software developers no need to write more lines for the same tasks 9 Mainly used for real time applications Mainly used in normal PC's, Workstations and servers 10 Large number of registers, most of which can be used as general purpose registers CISC processors cannot have a large number of registers 11 RISC processor has a number of hardwired instruction CISC processor executes microcode instructions 12 Uses Direct execution control unit. Uses microcode control unit. 13 Price:
move complexity from hardware to software. Price:
move complexity from software to hardware. 14 Performance:
make tradeoffs in favor of a lower CPI, at the Expense of increased code size. Performance:
make tradeoffs in favor of decreased code size, at The
expense of a higher CPI.
No. | RISC | CISC |
1 | It is an acronym for Reduced Instruction Set Computer. It is a type of microprocessor that has been designed to carry out few instructions at the same time. | CISC stands for Complex Instruction Set Computer. It is actually a CPU which is capable of executing many operations through a single instruction. |
2 | Faster than CISC | Slower than RISC chips when performing instructions |
3 | Pipelining can be implemented easily | Pipelining implementation is not easy |
4 | Direct addition is not possible | Direct addition between data in two memory locations. Ex.8085 |
5 | Simple, single-cycle instructions that perform only basic Functions. Assembler instructions correspond to microcode instructions on CISC machine | |
6 | RISC architecture is not widely used | At least 75% of the processor use CISC architecture |
7 | RISC chips require fewer transistors and cheaper to produce. Finally, it's easier to write powerful optimized compilers | In common CISC chips are relatively slow (compared to RISC chips) per instruction, but use little (less than RISC) instructions. |
8 | RISC puts a greater burden on the software. Software developers need to write more lines for the same tasks | In CISC, software developers no need to write more lines for the same tasks |
9 | Mainly used for real time applications | Mainly used in normal PC's, Workstations and servers |
10 | Large number of registers, most of which can be used as general purpose registers | CISC processors cannot have a large number of registers |
11 | RISC processor has a number of hardwired instruction | CISC processor executes microcode instructions |
12 | Uses Direct execution control unit. | Uses microcode control unit. |
13 | Price: move complexity from hardware to software. | Price: move complexity from software to hardware. |
14 | Performance: make tradeoffs in favor of a lower CPI, at the Expense of increased code size. | Performance: make tradeoffs in favor of decreased code size, at The expense of a higher CPI. |
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